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Book Review: Lost at Aurora by Leialoha Humpherys

Leialoha Humpherys’ Lost at Aurora is a sweet Christmas story about the importance of family and the benefits of humidity.

Lost at Aurora by Leialoha Humpherys

Okay, fine. It doesn’t really discuss the benefits of humidity all that much, but I did appreciate FINALLY finding a book where the main character realizes that dry climates are not all they’re cracked up to be. People might complain about the humidity in Texas, but anytime I go to a less humid place, I get nosebleeds, I have a hard time breathing, and my hair looks flat and dead.

And now I’ll get back to my actual review and stop espousing my opinions on humidity……

My favorite part of this book was seeing the sweet sibling relationships in Rune’s family. I loved how they each knew each other and pushed them to be their best versions of themselves. And the scenes with all of Rune’s siblings were my absolute FAVORITES!!!!!

I also loved the Christmassy feel of this book! A big part of what made this book feel like Christmas was the emphasis on music. In my family, music is the biggest way we celebrate Christmas, so seeing Rune’s siblings sing Christmas carols together and play Christmas music together made it feel just like an authentic home-y Christmas!

I loved seeing how Sefina (the protagonist) learned to stand up for herself and follow her heart. It was beautiful seeing how she handled her family’s conflicts with such grace, while making sure she was doing what was best for herself.

Finally, I love how this story kept me guessing! I thought I knew what the climactic conflict was going to be, but I was totally wrong. I loved how I got the opportunity to appreciate the author’s choices of how to best grow her characters without feeling like I knew exactly what was coming.

Overall, I would definitely recommend reading this book! While it might not be Christmastime anymore (mainly because I’m a bit late reviewing this book), I still think we could use to remember Christmas all throughout the year!!!

I received an Advance Reader Copy of this book. My opinions are my own. A positive review was not required.

What are your favorite books about Christmas? What Christmas carols are important in your family and why? Let me know in the comments!!!

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