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Book Review: To Curse a Black Swan by Leialoha Humpherys

I absolutely adore Swan Lake retellings, and I was so excited when I learned that one of my favorite authors, Leialoha Humpherys, was writing one as part of the Shattered Tales multi-author series!

Book blurb

My review

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I really connected with Ayane’s inner conflict and desires throughout the book. I understood her jealousy of Cordelia and wanting to make people sorry for making fun of her. It was interesting watching her learn the consequences of her actions and the dangers of seeking revenge.

I loved getting to see how this book connected to the other book’s in Lei’s world of the Incandescent Kingdoms! While this book can be read as a standalone, I think it can be best enjoyed after reading Hidden at Starshine and Lost at Aurora.

It was interesting seeing how Lei constructed the fairy tale retelling. I loved seeing how she used Odile’s character as inspiration for Ayane and Odette’s character as inspiration for the antagonist. It made the story so original; I love retellings that rearrange the character roles!!!

Overall, I really enjoyed To Curse a Black Swan. The characters were so relatable and I loved seeing some characters from Lei’s other books. This book had a wonderful theme, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a quick, sweet read!

I received an Advance Reader Copy of this book. My opinions are my own. A positive review was not required.

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